Workshops are introductory Brain Gym training sessions that are developed independently and offered by licensed instructors or movement facilitators. They are a great place to start and are filled with valuable information that you can begin applying immediately to begin achieving peak performance in any area of your life. However, they have not been officially reviewed, and therefore no credit may be applied towards licensure. Browse workshops below.
Courses are part of our approved curriculum – the content of each has been thoroughly reviewed by Breakthroughs International and licensure credit is available to students. Browse the Brain Gym Course Descriptions and search Upcoming Brain Gym Courses.
If you are interested in classes from our Movement Based Learning program, click here to view the MBL Courses or MBL Workshops
If you are interested in classes from our LEAP program, click here to view the LEAP Courses.
Is it possible to live and learn with full sensory participation? We believe so. A day full of ideas, games and information that will enhance your sensory perception: Perception, feeling, smell, taste, sight, hearing and balance. Our senses lead us into the world and at the same time bring it to us. They enrich our lives, secure and shape our learning and serve our health and well-being. They give a meaning to our life and make it alive. Let’s playfully face our everyday stress, time pressure and maybe even burnout in this workshop.
• levels of perception • development of vestibular system, self-perception, feeling, hearing, sight, smell and taste • balances
Workshop founder: Renate Wennekes
Le Brain Gym® s’articule autour de 26 mouvements qui se basent sur le développement moteur de la prime enfance, époque où nous apprenons naturellement à coordonner nos canaux sensoriels via des schémas moteurs innés (réflexes primitifs). Cette journée vise à apprendre en bougeant pour explorer les liens entre ces étapes pré ou post natales et les mouvements coordonnés subtils que nous choisissons d’accomplir au quotidien. Si cette journée aborde bien sûr les réflexes, elle vise avant tout à (re)découvrir combien les simples mouvements ciblés du Brain Gym® parlent en profondeur au système nerveux. Cette journée est recertifiante pour les instructeurs/consultants Brain Gym® (12 points de crédits)
Serge Olbregts
В този полудневен семинар, ще се запознаем с основите на BrainGym, какво прави и как помага за интеграцията и по-лесното учене и концентрация в училище. Какво може да научите от BrainGym 104 и как може да въвлечете програмата в ежедневния си живот.
Professional Development Classes for Early Childhood Educators
These classes are PDIS approved ( for licensing credit.
This hands-on, interactive 2 hour introductive class will provide you with take away tools for you to use right away with staff, and children of all ages. This course is an overview and introduction to why movement-based learning develops the WHOLE BRAIN and why whole brain activation is critical for optimal physical, emotional, and cognitive development in the most critical window of child development-infant-age 5.
Cost: $50.00 Fee : Email for payment submission.
This class can be held via Zoom or in person in Boulder, CO.
Dive into the world of your own pregnancy and experience the curiosity, the wonder and the joy. Recognise patterns that have existed at this crucial moment and continue to appear again and again in your life to this day. In this workshop you will work on two levels: On the one hand, you come into contact with your curiosity and fascination of your own incarnation. On the other level, you will receive information on how to accompany and support pregnant women. In addition, you will receive relevant information on dealing with adopted children, foster children, as well as their families of origin.
• awareness from the beginning • mother/fatherhood • support during pregnancy • stages of pregnancy and the period after it • early bonding • balances
Workshop founder: Renate Wennekes
This two-day introductory workshop is open to all. It provides an in-depth experience with all of 26 Brain Gym® movements. Experience them in your body. Gain a better understanding of each movement, the philosophy behind the Brain Gym program, and how this knowledge can be used in your daily life with children students, and adults.. This class is a great introduction for the 3 day Brain Gym 101 class and can lead to your becoming a Brain Gym Facilitator and teaching this course. The Brain Gym Teacher's Edition 2010 is the workshop manual for this course, which is offered online and in-person. Contact me for registration information.
United States
Go over different Brain Gym movements that can help with stress relief.
Also active questions and discussion to specific situations and environments.
United States
on Zoom
Looking back on our early childhood, we rediscover some of our unconscious belief systems and programs. What have I copied, what have I accepted or created myself and what inhibits my happiness, my success and my ability to experience and perform ? Attitudes, values, behaviours of the family of origin, society and own experiences determine the framework in which I live. A journey to openness, truth, development and compassion. What am I holding on to ? With what rigid expectations do I try to impose my will on myself or others ?
The early childhood reflexes form the basis for physical, emotional and cognitive development. The reflexes provide us with the first movement experiences, control our birth and ensure our survival in the first months after birth. Experience this on your own body and discover what influence a lack of integration or inhibition of natural development can have on your posture, movement or reactions in everyday life, on learning and on relationships. Use this workshop to work on your posture and movement patterns and to support the development of the children.
• reflexes and reactions as the foundation of our development • protective, grasp and postural reflexes • balances
Workshop founder: Renate Wennekes
Experience a sequence of safe and simple activities especially for relieving stress. This includes several relaxing Brain Gym movements and a gentle acupressure-tapping technique frequently used to defuse the pain of extreme stress. The 90-minute session is designed to be immediately helpful and can be repeated on your own independently as often as needed afterwards, using the free follow-up materials. Usually Saturdays 10:00 AM Central. Dates and times are negotiable.
United States
You are welcome to email a request to Tracy for an available date.
Interested in rapidly improving your ability to organize, focus, and communicate? Want some tools to share with your family or your students? In this active introductory workshop (which is the first day of "Brain Gym 104") learn how to use specially designed physical movements for relaxed alertness and sharp concentration. Brain Gym is a powerful, effective, and safe program leading to Peak Performance for all of our important moments!
United States
This is a surprisingly valuable and enjoyably lively 8-hour introductory class. Request registration from
Take a loving look at your own birth and experience once again how this fundamental change felt coming to this world. Explore how you deal with changes in your everyday life today. How does your birth experience affect your life in our modern, fast-paced world ? How can we prepare to “give birth” to something new ? In this workshop you will learn about childbirth and how you can support yourself and others in preparing for the birth process.
• preparation for childbirth • phases of birth • bonding • to be welcome and customise • balances
Workshop Founder: Renate Wennekes
Our ability to adapt to constantly changing circumstances depends heavily on the fact that someone is there for us who understands us and fulfils all our dreams. Who was able to receive all this ? The disappointment, the feeling of being left alone and the feeling of being separated casts a shadow on our adult love life, our partnership and our relationships. The early childhood bond during pregnancy, childbirth and in the months immediately after birth allows us to experience security, trust and closeness to the mother’s body. The bonding reflex is an essential support in rediscovering closeness to oneself and to others. Restore your natural ability to love and engage in relationships. The bonding reflex is a great help to rediscover the closeness within self and others. How connected am I within myself and others in relationship ? How do I feel about relationships ? Where do I lose energy ? How do I feel with closeness and distance ?
Workshop founder: Renate Wennekes
During this 2-days course (16h), you will learn a very simple technique you will be able to use for your own healing and/or for supporting the healing of others.
This method was developped by Sharon Plaskett (Brain Gym® and Touch For Health International faculty) and is so easy that even a child can learn and use it. It consists of Interface process, a focused meditation for easing the effects and stress of trauma, combined with a canopy, that creates a space for healing. Interface is a powerful tool for relaxation and stress reduction, with a goal of turning stress into strength.
If you are a certified therapist, you may combine this technique with others you already use.
This class is open to everyone. There are no prerequisites.
Equilibre Formation - Kinesiology School, Geneva, CH