We believe in giving back to the community through scholarships for private sessions or training. We’ve seen how kinesiology techniques enrich and empower our lives and those of the people we interact with. In keeping with our mission, we strive to provide accessible programming to all, regardless of socio-economic status.
The lives that our scholarship fund touches benefits others by passing along their new way of functioning in the world. The giving ripples out, over and over.
Thank you for your support of our scholarships program.
At Breakthroughs International, many of our instructors / practitioners volunteer their time to help improve others’ quality of education and life. When they give so much, we feel the least we can do is provide educational materials for free. With your assistance, children and adults in lower socio-economic areas will get the support they need to change their life’s trajectory, and teachers or kinesiologists will be fully empowered as a force for good in the world.
Equip us with the instructional supplies needed so we can in turn help others thrive in school, work, and life.