Elizabeth Morse
- Mental health (anxiety, depression, fears)
- Personal health & well-being
- Trauma
Elizabeth Morse, author of "Your Best Health by Friday: How to Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Trauma, PTSD, and Chronic Illness," is an expert in test-anxiety coaching, helping teens and adults dramatically improve test-taking and grades by removing self-sabotage, maximizing brain power, and eliminating test anxiety.
The daughter of a Vietnam veteran whose combat stress affected the entire family, she was raised in the Philippines, Taiwan, and Maryland, moving to California when she was 12. After a whiplash accident in 2003, Gould found that Western medicine only masked her symptoms. She became a stress detective, tracing her accident pain as well as her longtime anxiety and auto-immune disease back to the atmosphere in the home where she grew up.
Raised in a church-going military family, Morse was horrified, when, after her father retired and they moved to California, her mother started dabbling in "finding herself" and "alternative medicine", things that had always been looked down upon in their family. When Western medicine couldn't help anymore, Morse, who had never let go of that skepticism of alternative health, collected proof for herself every step of the way as she began working with the alternative camp.
Morse found a strong link in her own life between chronic stress and illness, which echoes research findings. For example, inflammation, a precursor to disease, is compounded by perfectionism and a stream of negative inner dialogue (often internalized messages from parents, teachers and society.)
With one foot firmly on each side of the health care divide, Morse brings a welcome dose of rationality and reason to explanations of alternative health. She has the ability to explain complex information about the brain and body in a simple, understandable way. Elizabeth brings years of experience to each session and helps clients draw in the life of their dreams.
Whether you're looking for help with test-anxiety, trauma, mental health, or personal well-being, you've found the right person. Elizabeth will change your life.