Jeannette Abshire
- Corporate Trainings
- Early Childhood Education
- Professionals
Jeannette Abshire- President –
Integrated Learning Academy LLC
For over 35 years, Jeannette Abshire has served as a passionate educator and coach for children, families and professionals of all ages (birth-adult) and all walks of life. With a M.A. in Educational Psychology and, licensed educational kinesiology (brain gym) consultant/teacher, Jeannette is an expert in the field of learning differences, sensory integration and drawing out the full potential of each individual through the use of brain integration and multi sensory techniques fully supported by substantial research.
Her approach to empowering individuals, families and groups to reach optimal performance in all areas of life centers on the importance of the development and growth of the whole person. (Physical, emotional and chronological age)
As president of Integrated Learning Academy of Excellence Jeannette has been successfully remediating individuals with specific learning differences for the past 25 years. Additionally, she works with early childhood educators and parents to insure age appropriate physical, emotional and cognitive development of children infants-age 8 are aligned Jeannette also works with post-traumatic stress syndrome and individuals recovering from a mild brain injury.
Jeannette is co-founder/developer of ADVANCED BRAIN GYM PLUS LLC, prior Supplemental Educational Services provider for the Colorado Department of Education. Advanced Brain Gym Plus and Integrated Learning Academy (ILA) LLC emphasize experiential learning using the Multiple Intelligences and Brain gym exercises to improve literacy, mathematics social skills, inter and intra personal skills and language skills. Our data reveals that ILA is an effective educational program which improves each student’s learning potential in a very special way. This multisensory program has been implemented in Roaring Fork Valley, St Vrain, Boulder Valley, Garfield 2, Jefferson County, Aurora, and Denver counties with an overwhelming amount of success and positive feedback from parents, students, teachers and administrators.
Jeannette also has a successful, positive track record training trainer, parents, and
Other professionals to discover and express their “genius” or creative uniqueness and “gifts” in a fun, authentic and joyful way. When individuals and family units are honored and allowed to “be” themselves, a foundational safe space is created for deep, permanent shifts to occur.
She has consulted in public, private, Waldorf, independent and alternative schools all over the state of Colorado while mentoring teachers and support staff concerned with differentiation and modification strategies needed to address ALL the needs of various types of learners.
She serves as a group facilitator for professional organizations and is proud to be
adjunct faculty for Adam’s State College. She presents child development/MOVE TO IMPROVE seminars for Denver Early Childhood Council as well as childcare centers throughout the state of Colorado. She travels out of state to teach INTEGRATING THE WHOLE BRAIN (Brain Gym 101) to speech language, occupational and physical therapists, educators for infancy through college levels, as well as social workers, PARAS, special educators, administrators and ELL instructors.
Jeannette holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from the University of
Arizona, a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from Colorado University, Boulder, a Nutrition Certification from Natures’ Sunshine School of Natural Health as well as certification from Educational Kinesiology Foundation of America.